He was drink. By Judson Crews, 1982-16-01
Scope and Contents
This collection primarily consists of correspondence between Carol Berge and Judson Crews which took place between the late 1970s and mid 1980s, but also contains a few pieces of correspondence between Berge or Crews and other artists, editors, publishers, friends, etc. The relationship between Berge and Crews was both artistic and personal. She served as one of the editors for his book of poetry, Clock of Moss (1983). The letters chronicle more of the personal relationship between the two than the literary. There are also drafts of both Berge's and Crews' poetry and prose and includes Berge's editor's copy of the manuscript for Crews' book The Clock of Moss. The are also manuscript proofs, journal articles, magazine articles, newspaper articles, and handwritten notes taken by both poets.
- created: 1982-16-01
- From the Collection: Bergé, Carol, 1928-2006 (Correspondent, Person)
- From the Collection: Crews, Judson (Correspondent, Person)
- From the Collection: Bergé, Carol, 1928-2006 (Author, Person)
- From the Collection: Crews, Judson (Author, Person)
From the Collection: 13 boxes
Language of Materials
From the Collection: English
Repository Details
Part of the Western Michigan University Special Collections Repository
Western Michigan University Libraries, Special Collections
Zhang Legacy Collections Center
1650 Oakland Drive
Kalamazoo MI 49008-5307 US
(269) 387-8490