Box 7
Contains 133 Results:
Folder 17
Aelfric Archive consists of offprints, photocopies, and drafts of articles that appear in the Aelfric: an annotated bibliography by Professor Reinsma. The articles and papers are about Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, who lived from approximately 955 CE to 1020 CE. Due to his grasp of languages Aelfric is sometimes referred to as "Grammaticus." The archive primarily contains copies of critical studies pertaining to literature he produced.
Notes on Sherman Kuhn, "The Authorship of the Old English Bede Revisited"
One leaf of notes on Sherman Kuhn, "The Authorship of the Old English Bede Revisited," in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, vol. 73 (1972), pp. 172-180.
Photocopy of Sherman Kuhn, "The Authorship of the Old English Bede Revisited", 1972
Six leaves photocopied from Sherman Kuhn, "The Authorship of the Old English Bede Revisited," in Neuphilologische Mitteilungen, vol. 73 (1972), pp. 172-181.
Folder 18
Aelfric Archive consists of offprints, photocopies, and drafts of articles that appear in the Aelfric: an annotated bibliography by Professor Reinsma. The articles and papers are about Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, who lived from approximately 955 CE to 1020 CE. Due to his grasp of languages Aelfric is sometimes referred to as "Grammaticus." The archive primarily contains copies of critical studies pertaining to literature he produced.
Chart of "Aelfric's Exegetical Homilies"
Three leaves containing a chart titled "Chart I: Aelfric's Exegetical Homilies."
Table of "Aelfric's Catholic Homilies"
Three leaves containing a table titled "Table I: Aelfric's Catholic Homilies."
Table of "Homiletic Patterns"
Two leaves containing a table with handwritten notes titled "Table II: Homiletic Patterns."
Typed draft of Kuhn, "Sermon Structure in Aelfric's Catholic Homilies"
Forty-nine leaves containing a typed draft with handwritten notes of Kuhn, "Sermon Structure in Aelfric's Catholic Homilies," pp. 1-49.
Folder 19
Aelfric Archive consists of offprints, photocopies, and drafts of articles that appear in the Aelfric: an annotated bibliography by Professor Reinsma. The articles and papers are about Aelfric, Abbot of Eynsham, who lived from approximately 955 CE to 1020 CE. Due to his grasp of languages Aelfric is sometimes referred to as "Grammaticus." The archive primarily contains copies of critical studies pertaining to literature he produced.
Offprint of Sherman M. Kuhn, "Was Aelfric a Poet?", 1973-10
Five leaves with handwritten notes containing an offprint of Sherman M. Kuhn, "Was Aelfric a Poet?" in Philological Quarterly, vol. 52 (October 1973), pp. 643-662.