Box 1: series 6 (B)
Contains 38 Results:
Line drawings of wartime politicians with accompanying text from Army Talks [photocopy]
Illustration: Line drawings depicting Edward R. Stettinius, Secretary of State of the United States; Hon. (Robert) Anthony Eden, British Foreign Secretary; Vyacheslav Mikhailovich Molotov, Foreign Commissar of the USSR; Tse-veng Soong, Premier of China [b&w photocopy of original line drawings]
Painting of men in pub [photocopy]
Illustration from issue of U.S. publication, Army Talks: a room full of men with glasses of beer in front of them. [color photocopy of original painting]
Drawing of Pacific Island natives with accompanying text [photocopy]
Illustration from issue of U.S. publication, Army Talks: Pacific Island natives along with text [color photocopy of original drawing]
Drawing of man exchanging currency for something with accompanying text [photocopy], 1945-10-07
Illustration from issue of U.S. publication, Army Talks: man and woman in some kind of business transaction, caption reads "The Black Market exists wherever there are shortages of basic food or material." [color photocopy of original illustration]
Drawings of a British Royal Air Force officer and a French soldier in a beret [photocopy]
Illustrations depicting a British Royal Air Force officer and French soldier in a beret [b&w photocopy of original drawings]
Drawing of French soldier in beret at the top of a page with text from the publication Army Talks [photocopy]
Image from issue of U.S. publication, Army Talks: French soldier in beret along with one page of text, title at top "Rebirth of the French Army", page number labeled "24" [b&w photocopy of original magazine page]
Cover of Army Talks, Vol. IV, No. 10 [photocopy], 1945-07-17
Cover of U.S. publication, Army Talks: Vol. IV, No. 10. Subtitle: "Spadework for Victory"; cover depicts four marching allied soldiers [b&w photocopy of original drawing]
Painting of French village, post war [photocopy]
Illustration: French village, post war [color photocopy of original painting]
Signed letter from Dwight Eisenhower thanking George Withers for painting a portrait of him [photocopy], 1946-01-29
Correspondence from U.S. War Department: Letter from Dwight Eisenhower to George Withers [b&w photocopy of original letter]
Painting of U.S. Army servicewoman [photocopy], 1945-05
Illustration from issue of U.S. publication, Overseas Woman: Painting of U.S. Army servicewoman [b&w image of original painting]