Box 5: series 1 (R)
Contains 172 Results:
Adolf Hitler. Rupa-Druck Dessau, Berlin
Leaflet: A biography of Hitler's life. Illustrated: Double sided single page. Size: 22cm x 30.5cm
Gemeinsame große Kundgebung der Deutschen Arbeitsfront/ Nahrungsmittelgewerbe. K Boll Gm.b.h., Berlin: , 1934
Pamphlet: An agenda for a rally at the stadium in Berlin, held January 17, 1934, includes a song. Illustrated: 4 pages. Size: 21cm x 29cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
Schulungsbriefe des Reichsschulungsamtes der NSDAP und der Deutschen Arbeitsfront. Buchdrickwerkstatte, Berlin:, 1932-11-15
Pamphlet: A training magazine of the Nazis. It consists of views on the world and on race. Illustrated: 14 pages. Size: 21cm x 30cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
Hitler, Adolf. Die Rede unseres Führers im Sportpalast am 24 Oktober 1933, 1933-10-24
Pamphlet: A printing of Hitler's speech. Illustrated: 8 pages. Size: 24cm x 29.5cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
Das Serbische heer auf der Flucht
Book: A picture from a book and a portion of the book. Includes 4 pages from the book and a picture. Illustrated: 8 pages. Size: 15.5cm x 21.5cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
Leaflet: A Nazi leaflet that was dropped on American troops. The leaflet is used to discourage American troops by making them homesick for Christmas. Illustrated: Double sided single page. Size: 15.5cm x 20cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
An exciting steeple chase
Leaflet: A Nazi leaflet that was dropped on English and American troops. The leaflet includes a picture of Stalin leading a horse over a cliff with Roosevelt and Churchill hanging on. Illustrated: Single sided single page. Size: 14.5cm x 10cm
Two important points
Leaflet: A Nazi leaflet for Allied troops. It tries to influence the troops by discussing their possible death and the economic depression that will follow the war in their country. It wants them to consider if the war is worth the effort. Illustrated: Double sided single page. Size: 10.5cm x 14.5cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)
Oh, take me back
Leaflet: A Nazi leaflet dropped on American troops. It is a poem of a supposed American soldier about how he wants to go home. Illustrated: Double sided single page. Size: 14.5cm x 19.5cm
A puzzle game
Leaflet: A Nazi leaflet dropped on Americans in Italy. The leaflet's contents is meant to make the soldiers long for home. Illustrated: Double sided single page. Size: 14.5cm x 17cm (donated by Edwin W. Polk)