Showing Collections: 11 - 20 of 32
George C. and Lucy J. Cook Book
Helen Zakin papers
Photographs, negatives, and slides, notes, booklets and papers gathered by Dr. Zakin for her research, as well as academic papers and presentations and correspondence.
Henry Yaple Collection
Heritage Community of Kalamazoo
This collection is composed of documents, photographs, scrapbooks, photo albums, and VHS/cassette tapes from the Heritage Community of Kalamazoo, an senior living community, located in Kalamazoo Michigan.
The documents include event information, reports, an IRS letter, lists, bylaws and ethical information, agreements, board minutes, a cookbook, guestbook, marketing materials, newletters, ledgers, court cases, and campaign materials.
Kalamazoo Downstreamers Collection
Kalamazoo Fire Department Photograph
Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters Records
This collection is composed of documents, photos, DVDs, and photo books from the Kalamazoo Log Cabin Quilters (KLCQ) which includes material dated from 1979 to 2021.
Kalamazoo Loose-Leaf Binder Collection
The collection is composed of 12 photographs from the Kalamazoo Loose Leaf Binder Company and its successor, the Remington Rand Company which was located at 314-320 (later 312-334) W. Kalamazoo Avenue, Kalamazoo, Michigan. The photographs are from about 1911 until 1940.
Kalamazoo Portrait Photographers
The collection is composed of photographs, mainly carte de visites, cabinet cards and miscellaneous photographs of unidentified people taken by Kalamazoo photographers. These photographs more than likely were taken anywhere between 1870 and 1955.
Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce
The collection is composed of records and other material created by the Kalamazoo County Chamber of Commerce, later renamed the Kalamazoo Regional Chamber of Commerce in Kalamazoo, Michigan between 1904 and 2012.